Bluegrass United Classes
The Blugrass United Electives Program offers students opportunities to learn and explore in group settings. The BU Electives program is intended to supplement a home education program. Bluegrass United does not offer core curriculum classes. However, Buegrass United recommends students seeking core curriculum courses investigate the links below.

BU Electives Program
The BU Electives Program gives students the opportunity to take classes in their area of interest and add to their high school transcripts/portfolios with extra-curricular activities and academic courses that are viewed positively by college admission officers. Most elective courses are designed to be hands-on and/or cooperative in nature (discussion-based), giving homeschool students the opportunity to gain desired academic experiences difficult to achieve in the home setting. Occasionally, lecture classes are offered that feature interesting subject matter and/or exceptional teachers.
Elective classes meet on Thursday afternoons at Tates Creek Christian Church.
Core Curriculum Programs
BU does not offer core courses. Interested students may choose to investigate these programs.
The Core Program
New Horizons Academy