Bluegrass United Performing Arts Company
The Bluegrass United Performing Arts Company (BUPAC) exists to provide home school high school students the opportunity to participate in music and drama productions. BUPAC assists students in exploring the fields of music, drama, dance, and theater and provides opportunities to develop and improve important character traits and life skills, such as self-discipline, strong work ethic, and team-building skills.
BUPAC is associated with BUAC Electives and, typically, meets at BUAC Electives on Thursday afternoons at Tates Creek Christian Church. BUPAC students pay the regular BUAC Electives semester tuition fee and may take up to two elective classes in addition to BUPAC. BUPAC students are not required to take additional elective classes, but the fee remains the same.
BUPAC Drama presents a full drama in 2 acts during the fall semester.
Students may audition for the cast or may choose to participate in production crews to work in stage management, set design and props, sound and lighting, or publicity.
Recent shows include:
Radium Girls
Get Smart
Sense and Sensibility
You Can't Take It With You
12 Angry Men
Get Involved
BUPAC is composed of 2 seperate programs: BUPAC Drama and BUPAC Musical Theatre.
Students wishing to audition for BUPAC Productions should subscribe to the BU News for announcements regarding upcoming performing arts opportunities.

BUPAC Musicals
BUPAC generally presents a full musical during the spring semester.
Students may audition for leading roles or the deancing chorus. Also, students may participate in the singing chorus without completing an audition.
Recent shows include:
Disney's Newsies
Bye Bye Birdie
Guys and Dolls
Hello Dolly
The Music Man